Seasonal malaria chemoprevention with sulfadoxine–pyrimethamine plus amodiaquine in children: a field guide (Second edition)

26 May 2023
World Health Organization Global Malaria Programme

In 2021, the World Health Organization (WHO) launched the consolidated WHO guidelines for malaria on the online MAGICapp platform. The consolidated guidelines bring together two previous guideline documents – the Guidelines for the treatment of malaria, third edition, and the Guidelines for malaria vector control – and include sections on prevention (vector control, preventive chemotherapies and vaccination), case management, elimination and prevention of reintroduction, and surveillance. As new evidence becomes available, the recommendations are reviewed and updated following WHO’s guideline development process, and the content of the platform is updated. The version of the guidelines published on 3 June 2022 provided an update on the recommendations for seasonal malaria chemoprevention.